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Monday, 18 July 2011

Publications and Successes

It still feels as if I'm in catch-up mode with this blog as I have some publication successes from earlier in the year to report.

My poem At Sea received an Honorary Mention in the 2011 Gregory O'Donoghue International Poetry Competition and was published on-line in Southword 19A. Two of the poems from the Malta sequence - Convoy Diary and Malta 1942 were published in Envoi in June 2011.

Then recently I was commissioned by a colleague, Dr Roger Hancock at the Open University to contribute a poem for a course for teaching assistants in primary schools. The brief was to write a poem around one or all of the themes of keeping safe, respect for others, bullying, school rules and the meaning of play. One doesn't often get asked to write a poem so this was fun.

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